My Tech Stack of 2024


I am about to ship more than ever this year. I will launch my first side project of 2024 in about a week or so. This is the arsenal I will use to ship my projects in 2024:

Web frameworks

I will stick to Next.JS as the primary web framework of use. The reason is that I have used next.js for quite some time now. The framework has great developer experience, well-structured documentation, and a large community. In case I hit the wall with next.js, then I will move to Remix( a cousin of next.js). Which is a react frameework too with similar principles and it is widely adopted.


TailwindCSS - only valid answer.

Although there is another CSS project I have been keeping tabs on, but I am yet to try it out. mastercss, have a look at it.


I have learned the best way to handle the backend is to use BAAS(backend as a service). With BAAS, you get authentication, database, storage, and a bunch of other services you may need. I have three options here and all are open-source.





When it comes to UI libraries in the react ecosystem, we are spoilt for choice. There are tons of libraries out there that are well-designed and maintained., but my focus will be only two ShadcnUI and TailwindUI. I think these two have everything I will need for now.


I wanted to write an extensive list of fonts and icon libraries that I love and use, but the problem with that is that I changed my mind very fast. Shiny object syndrome is what they call it.

But seriously check out Lucide Icons, Hero Icons, and phosphorous Icons. For the fonts, my current favorites are Vorsik and Space Gostek.


Vercel is a great platform to host Next.js projects, after all, they made it, but it does not come cheap. That's where Cloudflare CDN + Cloudflare Workers comes in. Hosting static sites on Cloudflare is free.

My opinion on the hosting platforms is not fully developed. After I host a bunch of resource-heavy or complex projects I will write a detailed blog on hosting. Soon hopefully.


I don't want this blog to be longer than intended or turn into an endorsement of technologies. No. I wanted to brag about my arsenal and hopefully, you will find something interesting to try out.

Here are other stuff you should check out PayloadCMS, Directus, Tanstack, Plausible Analytics, Coolify, and MelliSearch.

See you around.